Ryan & Brittney – Lifetime Adoption

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Ryan & Brittney

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State We Live in: Nebraska
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With the oldest up to 4 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Call or text Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784.

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We're a down-to-earth, Christian couple hoping to grow our family through adoption! We are praying for you as you walk this journey and sincerely hope to get to know you! We'd love to discuss an open adoption with you and learn about your preferences.

Our Story

Hi from Nebraska! We're Ryan and Brittney and we've built a beautiful life together over the last 7 years of our marriage! We both grew up in small towns in different parts of the state and are so grateful God allowed our paths to cross through ChristianMingle.com! Together, we enjoy the simple things in life and have bonded over our love of the outdoors, cooking delicious meals, and making memories with our family and friends. We're excited to share that with our child.

Starting our family hasn't been easy, but after years of infertility, surgeries, and miscarriage, we can honestly say that God has used all of it to grow us closer together, closer to Him, and to making us a more empathetic and compassionate couple. We love children dearly, are active members in our church, and are hoping to be part of your story. Our child will grow up with love, support, encouragement, and knowing that you gave him or her the gift of life.

Meet Brittney

According to Ryan: "Brittney is a kind and tenderhearted person who loves her family and her friends! She's incredibly hard working and is great at what she does.  She's also one of the most empathetic people I know. I watch her passion for the Lord and how she loves people, and I am so proud of her. I know she will be an amazing mom!"

Brittney Enjoys:

  • Singing - I am on the worship team at my church and sing at tons of weddings!

  • Making Meaningful Memories - I love my husband, pup, and family so much! I cherish quality time together, and the value of creating meaningful memories is very important to me.

  • Learning - I have a love of learning resulting in 2 master's degrees and a professional coaching certification.

  • Being an Aunt - This has been a joy in my life! Now I cannot wait to step into motherhood.

  • Being a Coach/Mentor - I help companies and people go through transformational change. I love what I do so much that I also co-founded a professional women's leadership network geared to help women step into their confidence and lead from a place of authenticity and vulnerability.

  • Coffee - It's my FAVORITE pick-me-up, especially if it has chocolate in it!

Quote from Brittney:
"I've wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember and I'm grateful for you and your willingness to consider us for your child. We have spent years making our home a joyful place and I can't wait for our family to grow, watch my husband become the dad he was always meant to be, and to create more memories full of love and laughter."

Meet Ryan

According to Brittney: "Ryan is an amazing husband, provider and person. While he prides himself on his discipline and hard work (of which he is second-to-none!), I'm most proud of the way he loves me, his family, his friends, and the Lord. He's kind, sweet, and so much fun. I can't wait to watch him become the best dad."

Ryan Enjoys:

  • Time Outdoors - There's no place I'd rather be than outside!

  • Hunting and Fishing - I've been hunting and fishing since I was a kid. It's just a part of me.

  • Home Improvement Projects - I take pride in my home and have worked hard to make it a place where we and the people we care about want to be. My most recent project was building our own little backyard paradise.

  • Having Family Get-Togethers - We enjoy hosting our family, friends and their kids at our home.

  • Being A Role Model - I make it a priority to make it to as many sporting events and kids' activities as I can, and I strive to model what it looks like to live with discipline and work ethic, to be good to people, and to love God.

Quote from Ryan:
"I am ready and excited for this next chapter in our lives together. I have several nieces and nephews, younger cousins and friends with young children, and I can say that your child will grow up with some great cousins! " 

Our Home

We live in a small community in Nebraska near where Ryan grew up, and have a beautiful and cozy home in a super safe neighborhood. We love to grill out and cook delicious meals together, and we enjoy entertaining family and friends in our backyard where we have a nice pool, and a family serving area.

We raise chickens for farm fresh eggs and have a plentiful garden where we grow all kinds of things like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, zucchini, pumpkins, asparagus and more!

While we enjoy traveling and value family vacations, we firmly believe that our home is our sanctuary. We have spent many years tackling various projects both inside and outside, and have made our home an oasis where we can both relax and recharge, and where we can welcome friends and family to come enjoy our space with us.

Our Family

Currently, it's just us and our sweet 3-year-old maltipoo aka "Little Girl" or "Little Pup".  We are beyond excited to become parents and have an amazing support system in our family and friends who have been so encouraging and supportive to us - Everyone is incredibly excited for us to adopt!

We are extremely close with our parents, siblings, and extended family. Our child will grow up with many little cousins, loving aunts and uncles, and two amazing sets of grandparents. We also see you as an extended member of our family.

Our Forever Promise

We promise to honor the choice you’re making. As we open our hearts and home to the beautiful gift of adoption, we want you to know that we don’t take this responsibility lightly. It is with deep love and reverence that we step into this journey, and to honor your choice to choose adoption.

We promise to raise your child with unconditional love, guiding them through life’s ups and downs with grace, patience, and joy. Our home will be a place of warmth, security, and endless support where they will be free to discover their unique gifts and talents.

We promise to raise your child to know their incredible value and worth in Jesus. From a young age, they will learn that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, deeply loved, and created for a purpose. We will teach them about God’s endless love and how to walk in faith, ensuring they grow up confident in who they are and Whose they are.

We promise that we will always speak of you with love and gratitude, honoring the special role you have in their story. Your child will know their adoption story, and we will celebrate that together.

This is our forever promise—to love, nurture, and protect this child, helping them flourish into the person God has called them to be.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Ryan

Education: Bachelor’s Degree and Associate Degree
Profession: Water, Gas, and Sewer Maintenance
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Color: Green
Season: Fall
Outdoor Activity: Anything!
Food Type: BBQ
Dessert: Ice Cream with Peanut M&Ms
Holiday: Christmas (Family Traditions & Being Together)
Favorite Childhood Memory: The first time my dad let me drive the tractor!

More About Brittney

Education: Two Master’s Degrees and a Bachelor’s Degree
Profession: Transformation and Leadership Development
Stay-At-Home: No, but work from Home
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Color: Pink
Season: Spring
Outdoor Activity: Going for walks
Food Type: BBQ
Dessert: Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookies
Holiday: Christmas (Celebrating Jesus & Being with Family)
Favorite Childhood Memory: Either the day my parents surprised me with a puppy or when we won state softball (it was an entire family affair!)

More About Our Family

Our Faith

Above everything else in our life is our faith in Jesus. The good news of salvation through Christ found in His Gospel met us right where we were at, right when we each needed it, and it has been transforming us from the inside out each day. Though we took slightly different paths to get there, we both found ourselves at the foot of the cross, eternally grateful for the freedom and joy found in Christ alone. We have applied our faith in many ways and believe that the call to love our neighbor as ourselves is of utmost importance. We plan to raise our child to know Jesus, to be confident in His love for him or her, and to know that He is the ultimate joy.

Why Open Adoption?

Long before we knew the challenges we’d face with infertility, adoption was something we had discussed and felt drawn to. Even before we were married, we talked about the idea of building our family through adoption, knowing it was a path we were meant to walk. We believe adoption is part of our calling, a beautiful way to grow our family and share the love God has placed in our hearts.

We believe in the importance of open adoption and welcome it to whatever level you are comfortable with. Whether through letters, photos, occasional visits, or simply knowing that we are here for you, we want to honor the relationship you have with your child in a way that feels right to you. Your presence in their life will always be respected and cherished, and we will embrace the openness of this journey with you.

How Our Family Describes Us in One Word

As we've said, our family is so supportive and excited for us to adopt, and they truly wanted to be part of this process. We thought it would be fun for you to hear the ONE WORD they each used to describe us when asked by the person who did our video and photoshoot. It made us cry!

-Ryan's Dad: Devoted
-Ryan's Mom: Selfless
-Brittney's Dad: Giving
-Brittney's Mom: Grateful
-Ryan's Brother: Loving
-Brittney's Brother: Hopeful
-Brittney's Sister: Resilient
-Ryan and Brittney's Sister-in-Law: Nurturing
-Ryan and Brittney's Nieces and Nephews: Pure-Hearted, Compassionate, Fun!

5 Fun Facts About Us!

1. On our first date, we hit it off so well that we jokingly told people we were celebrating our 2-year anniversary, and everyone believed us! Sooooo, we let them!

2. We literally call everything a date... We can be hanging out at home, watching a movie, going grocery shopping, taking care of the garden, or making dinner. If we're together, it's a date!

3. Ryan holds several track records at his high school! He was quite the hurdler and is still a legend!

4. Brittney landed the lead female role playing Sarah Brown in the "Guys and Dolls" musical as a senior in college.

5. On our 6-year anniversary, we went back to our honeymoon spot in Cancun! We've already decided that when we hit our 10-year anniversary, we'll be renewing our vows there in the presence of our family and closest friends.

In Closing

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about our family and our hearts for adoption. We hope this has given you a small glimpse into who we are, although there’s so much more we’d love to share with you. We truly believe adoption is part of God’s calling on our lives, and we’re ready to step into this journey with open arms and hearts.

Please know that we are here to support you in whatever way you need and are open to continuing a relationship with you, however that may look. We are honored that you would consider us, and we’re eager to walk this path together.