Kevin & Chloe – Lifetime Adoption

Our Profile

Kevin & Chloe

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State We Live in: Georgia
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Caucasian, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic

Learn More About Us

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Call or text Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784.

Hey there! We are a young, fun-loving, Christian family awaiting to become first time parents. We feel so blessed to be on this beautiful journey of adoption. We have yearned for a child for four years now and we cannot wait to share memories, laughter, affection, support, and most importantly love with our child. We are open to sharing letters, photos, phone calls, and occasional visits, if you choose. We are so grateful to be on this journey with you and we are praying for you and your child.

Our Story

We have been married for 4 years. We met at a restaurant and had an instant love at first sight! After having dinner together, we learned how much our values, passions, and lives lined up with one another. We have a lot of the same hobbies, so we spend a lot of time together having movie and game nights, crafting, attending church, fishing, and enjoying a day at the beach. We love to travel to the cities around us to go to museums, do tours, try new restaurants, visit the aquarium, or just enjoy the vibrancy of the city. We also enjoy being home watching movies, playing board games, crafting together, or doing projects around the house.

Our journey to adoption has been a beautiful blessing. Having family members that are adopted opened a door for us to understand and see first-hand how amazing adoption truly is. After having four years of unexplained infertility, we felt God leading us to adoption. We are so excited to be first-time parents and we look forward to beach days, games nights, traveling, and attending church with our child.

About Kevin

Chloe says: Kevin is caring, smart, responsible, funny, and an amazing husband. He is a hard worker, wonderful provider, and strong leader. Seeing him with his little cousins and our friends' children always warms my heart because he is so great with them. He can make the most hectic and chaotic situation calm, easing everyone's mind. Kevin is a true man of God and he guides our family in our faith, which is such a beautiful thing to see. He has such a kind heart and would help anyone he meets. Kevin enjoys, fishing, playing Warhammer and board games, watching movies, and spending quality family time together. Kevin will be the kind of father that teaches our child how to be responsible yet have fun, how to walk with the Lord, and how to show compassion to others no matter the situation.

About Chloe

Kevin says: Chloe is a compassionate, creative, dutiful, and very hardworking wife. She does a wonderful job taking care of our home and all those that come into her life. Chloe never ceases to amaze me with how well she can take a stressful situation and turn it into a positive outcome. I have no doubt that she will be an amazing mother to our future child. Chloe will be the kind of mother that is loving, compassionate, attentive and supportive. She is a true woman of God and puts her faith and family above all else. Chloe enjoys crocheting, knitting, reading fantasy and romance novels, sewing, playing board games, and watching movies. She has nurturing tendencies that will only grow once we have a child. Chloe is caring with every person, whether it be a child, adult or animal; she gives 100% of her heart to whoever she's with or whatever she's doing.

Our Home in South Georgia

We live in a quiet but vibrant neighborhood in a three-bedroom, ranch style home. We have a fenced in backyard where we hangout and grill, swing in the hammock, and play with our two dogs. We have bird feeders set up for our two cats to sit and watch the birds and squirrels. We chose our home because of the location of being in town, the close drive to work for us both, and we knew it would be perfect to raise our children. Our home is located in a cul-de-sac where we are within walking distance to parks and playgrounds, schools, and trails. We are also within driving distance to museums, the recreation department, multiple beaches, national and state parks, and big cities that have a lot of family fun activities to do. We have started setting up the nursery to be woodland themed, and we are starting to see it come to life. We feel so blessed to be able to raise a child here.

Our Family

We both come from big, loving families. Chloe's family lives in Mississippi where she is from, and Kevin's family lives in Oregon where he is from, and Missouri. Kevin's mother and stepfather live 5 doors down the street from us where we can walk to their house and have dinner, craft together, or have movie and game nights together. Chloe's mother and stepfather visit 4 times a year and will stay for 2 - 3 weeks at a time. We are so thankful to have our immediate family around so often and be able to spend quality time together.

We also have four precious pets: two cats, Bronn and Stan, and two dogs, Daeney and Dojo.

Our Promise

We are absolutely ecstatic to be adopting our first child. We have been praying for both you and your child, and are so eager to meet you both! To provide our child with a loving, supportive, joyful, and Christ-centered home is of the upmost importance to us. We promise for our child to know love...the love of God and our love for them. We promise to raise up our child to seek God above all else. We promise to provide our child with a good education and support all of their dreams, wants, and passions. We promise our child will know how amazing, wonderful, and strong you are. We will always speak highly of you and let them know how much you love and care for them. We promise to embrace and teach our child about their heritage and background. Lastly, we promise to share letters, pictures, and scheduled visits throughout our child's life, if you desire.

We would be honored to have the opportunity to get to know you. We want to know your wants, needs, desires, and dreams for your child. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about us and our story.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Kevin

Education: College
Profession: U.S. Army Active Duty
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Food: Pasta
Hobby: Board Games
Show: Game of Thrones
Sport: Wrestling
Artist: Blink182
Dessert: Strawberry Cheesecake
Vacation: Mountains

More About Chloe

Education: College
Profession: Licensed Massage Therapist
Stay-At-Home: Part-time
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food: Enchiladas
Hobby: Sewing
Show: Pretty Little Liars
Sport: Boxing
Artist: Lana Del Ray
Dessert: Oreo Ice Cream
Vacation: Beach

More About Our Family

Our Faith

Our faith is everything to us! We strive to keep the Lord at the center of our marriage and our lives. The Lord has truly worked miracles in our life and we are so undeserving, but so blessed. He truly guided us to one another and after praying and praying for years for a child, He led us down this beautiful path of adoption. We pray our child will accept Jesus as their Savior and seek Him always throughout their lives. As parents, we want to raise our child in a home where they are prayed for, loved, accepted and for them to know how much God loves them. We are so absolutely blessed!

Our Values

We value quality time as a family, honesty, kindness, and respect. Holding each other accountable and having strong communication is our key factor in ensuring we are always on the same page. We value trust and dependability in one another because we are each other's rock, always. We plan to raise our child with these core values and more that we implement in our day-to-day life.

Our Musical Interest

We enjoy all types of music:
-Alternative Rock

5 Things We Love on a Weekend

Our weekend on Friday afternoon starts with cooking dinner; as we eat we enjoy watching a movie that we have been wanting to see. Kevin usually assembles and paints his models that he plays in Warhammer games and Chloe will crochet or knit. On Saturday we either go out to eat and to the movies, or to Savannah and walk around, going into different stores and art galleries. If we are not out and about on Saturdays, Kevin is usually playing a game of Warhammer at our local game shop with his friends and Chloe is at home cuddled up on the couch with our animals reading. On Sundays we attend church, come home and have our Sunday lunch, clean the house, and relax for the rest of the day either watching a movie together or playing a card or board game.

In Closing

We promise to provide your child with a loving, supportive, stable, joyful, and Christ-centered home. We promise to share with them all the unconditional love in their life, the love of God and our love. We will ensure them with every opportunity to fulfill their education, dreams, and passions. We promise your child will know about you and their adoption story, and we will always speak highly of you. Lastly, we promise to maintain contact with you through letters, videos, photos, phone calls, and occasional visits, if you choose.