Chase & Hannah – Lifetime Adoption

Our Profile

Chase & Hannah

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State We Live in: Indiana
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Open to Twins: Yes

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We're Open To Visits!
Call or text Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784.

Hello, Chase and Hannah here! We are excited to grow our family for the first time through open adoption. We love Jesus and cannot wait to teach our child about who Jesus is. We look forward to attending church on Sunday mornings as a family, followed by an afternoon nap. Amongst other things, we love to spend time with family and friends and travel. We are open to sending pictures, letters, and visits each year.

Hannah looks forward to becoming a stay-at-home mom once the baby comes, and Chase will continue working at the job he loves to provide for our family. We are hopeful and excited to learn more about you. We can't wait to get to know who you are!

Our Story

We are high school sweethearts!! We have been together for nine years and married for five. We met and started dating in our junior year of high school. Chase proposed during our second year of college, and we got married the following year. We went through the motions of college, excited for our future and to become married.

Shortly after being married, we realized that having children biologically was not in the cards for us. We made the decision to pursue adoption because, as believers, we are called to love all of God's children as our own. Although marriage has been the best season of life yet, we know that growing our family through adoption will make life even sweeter.

We love to travel and to try new foods. Our interests and hobbies include spending time together, going on date nights, golfing, fishing, working on projects around our home, and being with friends and family. Spending time with friends and family is important to us. We are blessed with a great support system that is always here for us, no matter what. We cannot wait to expand our family through the beauty of adoption. We always talked about adoption over the years, and our hearts are ready to begin this next chapter of our lives together.

Meet Hannah (written by Chase)

If there is one thing you should know about Hannah, she’s happy. She’s always positive, fun-loving, and constantly smiling. Hannah does a great job of caring for anything and everything around her. From keeping up around the house to babysitting our nephews, anyone who comes into contact with her feels her love and affection.

Hannah will continually surprise you; like an onion, she has a lot of layers. Once you get past her love for fashion and style, you’ll find a woman who loves going on hikes, fishing trips on the river, and evening cruises on back roads. She’s scared of nothing and is always willing to try new things. I am excited to see her pass on her adventurous spirit to our child one day.

One thing that is not spontaneous about Hannah is her dedication as a Christian wife. She is steadfast, loyal, and brightens up every room she enters. She is going to make an incredible mother one day.

Meet Chase (written by Hannah)

Chase is honest, loyal, faithful, generous, selfless, and FUNNY. We have known each other for a decade, and throughout the years Chase has been so consistent in his love and commitment. He is the definition of "give you his shirt off of his back" kind of guy. He never bats an eye at helping someone on the side of the road to change a flat tire or get them gas. Chase loves hard and is so humble.

Chase is a hard worker, and he is well rounded when it comes to life skills and handy work around the house or farm. He is looking forward to passing his love for the outdoors onto our child. Chase is currently restoring a 1977 Chevy Blazer and has even taught himself how to paint vehicles.

There is not a single doubt in my mind he will be a wonderful and involved dad. Chase is present and loving. He lights up when children are in the room, and they love him just as much, especially our nephews.

About Our Home in Indiana

We have been in our forever home for five years. It is a ranch-style home with a detached garage on an acre of land. We have three bedrooms, and the nursery is at the back of our house and next to our room. We have a big yard where we plan to get a swing set and a large back porch where we spend much of our time. Our kitchen and living room are open concept, which will be great when the baby comes. Hannah looks forward to cooking for our family in the evenings and seeing Chase bond with the baby when he comes home from work. Our home has always been our safe place and will continue to be that for our family.

We enjoy cooking meals in the kitchen while listening to music in the background. Hannah keeps up with housework and delights in a neat home. While we love a clean house, we look forward to having toys around the house and hearing little footsteps around the house with laughter. Our house is always filled with laughter and jokes. We enjoy being silly and are excited to have a child join the fun. You will often hear "Friends" replaying the same shows on our TV because it is simply the best!

There is a wonderful school with a variety of sports and activities to get involved in near our home. We are on the outskirt of a small town with a few locally owned restaurants, a park, and a pool/splash pad. There are two general stores, and our church is just 10 minutes away. We love living outside of a small town and having friends and family all within a 10-minute drive.

About Our Family

Our family is a large one, full of love and laughter.

Chase has a twin sister who lives an hour away. She is married and they have a 2-month-old son! Chase also has an older brother, who he works with. He and his wife have a 2.5-year-old son and live 10 minutes down the road on a farm. Chase's parents live two houses down and are so excited to welcome another grandchild into the family. We see Chase's family very often, and it is a blessing to have them close.

Hannah has an older sister who lives 35 minutes away with her fiancé, and their 13-year-old son. Hannah has a younger brother, that lives 20 minutes away. He also works with Chase; it's a family business! Lastly, Hannah has another younger brother who lives with her mom and stepdad just 5 minutes away! He helps with chores around our house while we are away on vacations or weekend trips. Hannah's dad and stepmom live just 10 minutes away.

We often get together with family for dinners or to simply hang out and catch up on life. We would not be where we are today without the love and support from each of these loved ones. They are all so excited for our journey and the child joining us.

Our Promise To You

We promise to love and take care of your child unconditionally. You are a huge part of their story, and they will always know you love them. We promise to honor you, learn about their background, and implement those values. We will always encourage and motivate them. We look forward to raising them to be kind, gentle, and honest. We strive to be patient and fun-loving parents who will always take the time to listen and have their best interests at heart. We look forward to learning about their hobbies and passions and being all-in parents. We will continually teach them and learn from them as they grow. We are open to annual visits, letters, pictures, and updates if that is something you would like.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Chase

Education: Associate's degree
Profession: Land Surveyor
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Music Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Zoo Animal: Bear
Place we have visited: Rocky Mountains
Drink: Coffee
Candy: Reese's
Food: Chicken Pot Pie
Color: Red

More About Hannah

Education: Associate's degree
Profession: Dental Assistant, but will become a stay-at-home mom once child is placed
Stay-At-Home: Yes, I plan on stopping work and staying home to raise our baby
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Music Artist: Adele
Zoo Animal: Monkey
Place we have visited: New York City
Drink: Diet Cherry Coke
Candy: Nerd Clusters
Food: Steak
Color: Pink

More About Our Family

Four Season Fun

In the spring and summer, we love doing anything outdoors, sprucing up our pots with pretty flowers, and planting our garden. We also like to take our boat out on the water and enjoy the beauty of nature. We often have cookouts with friends and family while sitting around a bonfire at night!

In the fall, we enjoy going to Hannah's brother's football games, attending local fall festivals, taking our dogs for walks, and exploring nature. We often start a small fire on our back porch, hang out with our dogs, and stay up past bedtime!

Our house is an absolute winter wonderland during the holidays. Our home is filled with holiday smells, both candles and homemade food. We see all of our extended family members around the holidays, and they are all on separate days so that we get to have quality time. We usually have four gatherings for Thanksgiving and four gatherings for Christmas! We cannot wait to start traditions with our child for the holidays. One of them being a new pair of jammies on Christmas Eve night! (one of Hannah's favorite traditions as a child)

Our Faith

Being surrounded by a community of fellow believers of Jesus Christ is essential. We look forward to sharing our faith in Jesus Christ with our child. We love because Jesus first loved us. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only son, so that anyone who believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life." We rest our hope and faith in the hands of Jesus because he died for us. It is not through our actions that we are saved; it is because of his selfless act and death/resurrection. Glory to God!

Our Travels

We have always loved traveling together and seeing new places. Over the past nine years we have visited:
-New York City
We are blessed to get the opportunity to explore the world, and these adventures have only begun! We cannot wait to add a travel buddy to our forever family!

Our Pets

We have two dogs, two pygmy goats, and an outdoor cat.
-Tank is our 9-year-old Labrador/mastiff mix who loves food and is a loyal happy boy. He loves to be in the garage while Chase works on his blazer and his many other projects.
-Daphne is our 4-year-old Doberman who is the silliest and most cuddly girl. Tank and Daphne are best buddies, and they are so sweet and are great around children.
-Daisy and Dolly are our pygmy goats, and they love jumping on anything they can. They love to talk to us from across the yard and run and jump in the air. They are constantly making us laugh and have brought much joy to our lives. They love to eat on our fence row and chase the dogs around the yard.
-Our outdoor cat is Sprinkles. She loves to meow when she wants food and is always up for pets and treats. She too is 9 years old and has been a great cat!

In Closing

Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents. We would be honored to partner with you in this journey of raising our child in love.
We would like to have an open adoption for our child if that is something you would be comfortable with. We would be open to meeting once a year and sending pictures/letters. We have prayed for you and for our child during this time. We want you to know that you are loved. We look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you.