Kyle & Taya – Lifetime Adoption

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Kyle & Taya

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State We Live in: Nebraska
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hello, from the peaceful state of Nebraska! We are so blessed to get the opportunity to introduce ourselves. Adoption holds a beautiful place in our life, as our oldest daughter, Kayda, joined our family through the gift of adoption 8 years ago. We believe God has a purpose and a plan for every life and are excited to pursue adoption again.

We have fulfilling, stable careers that have offered our family the financial security to support our children in pursuing their individual passions. We make the most of every moment, valuing quality time with family and friends, knowing that the most precious thing in life is our relationship with others. Most importantly we strive to live every day for Jesus.

Our Story

Our story began as childhood friends in a small town, transitioned to high school sweethearts, and now 16 years of marriage. We live by the motto “movement is life, never forget how to play.” We value the importance of healthy lifestyle habits, but will not turn down the opportunity to celebrate with family and food. We both work in the medical field which has been deeply rewarding and has given us the drive to value every day as precious. Nebraska keeps us on our toes with the change of seasons, but we take advantage of every opportunity to be outside. Though we have a personal history of infertility and loss, we also believe that God has called us to extend his love through adoption. We are excited to grow our family again!

About Kyle (by Taya)

Kyle is a man that I am proud to call father, husband and best friend. His God-given gift is helping others feel seen and appreciated. No one is a stranger to Kyle; his coworkers call him a golden retriever, as he is always excited to see you no matter the circumstance. He perfectly blends the role of protector and leader with grace and compassion. Kyle displays his love for people at their lowest lows in the hospital as a registered nurse, and their highest highs in the gym as a fitness instructor.

Kyle enjoys playing and watching sports such as soccer, basketball, football and lifting. He currently volunteers as our daughter's soccer coach. Creating comes natural to Kyle from welding, remodeling, designing our playset in the backyard, to crocheting blankets. He looks forward to teaching our next child how to pass a ball and how to use their hands through crafting and building.

Kyle keeps up with our daughters in all physical activities and dives headfirst into their imaginative world of blanket fort creating and dress up. He is a man of many talents and has a way to fix anything that is broken. Kyle’s passion for adoption started as a young child as he does not know his biological father, but has a wonderful relationship with his adoptive dad.

He truly is one of a kind. He is driven and ambitious while being a present father for his family. Kyle guides our home with strength, integrity, and love. My favorite trait of Kyle's is that he shows forgiveness and grace to all, reflecting the heart of Jesus. My heart is full with the reality of my husband expanding his role of father once again.

About Taya (by Kyle)

Taya is a remarkable woman who balances her roles as a mother, wife, and surgical nurse practitioner with grace. As a mother she is nurturing and attentive, always finding time to bond through activities like painting, drawing, and putting puzzles together. Taya's career as a surgical nurse practitioner requires her to skillfully work with her hands to help patients, but also requires a heart of compassion as she helps them recover from these procedures.

Despite her demanding career, she ensures that home is a place where our kids feel loved, safe, and comfortable, often preparing healthy home-cooked meals that nourish our bodies for our active lifestyles. Taya’s dedication to fitness not only reflects her commitment to health, but also strengthens the fun-filled lifestyle our family enjoys together. She is a constant source of inspiration, leading by example and encouraging our daughters to embrace a balanced and active lifestyle and not shying away from challenging and hard things.

Taya loves playing the piano, baking, drawing with sharpie markers, and lifting. She enjoys working with the farm animals and eagerly counts down the days to lambing season. She looks forward to teaching her next child how to play musical instruments, create goods in the kitchen, and ride horses.

At the heart of everything Taya does is her deep love for Christ. Her strong faith is the foundation of her decision making, guiding her in how she loves and treats others. This spiritual strength shapes her as a wife, mother, and friend, influencing every aspect of our family’s life. Taya’s ability to juggle her many responsibilities with grace and love is a testament to the incredible woman, mother, and spouse she is, making her a cornerstone of our family.

Our daughters, Kayda and Satiera

Our daughters are currently both 8 years old and have grown up like twins. Satiera was born within a year of Kayda’s adoption and there has been nothing sweeter than watching them experience life as siblings. To say they are ecstatic to become big sisters together is an understatement.

Kayda is our nurturing child full of love for all things baby and animal. She is artistic, playful, energetic and full of life! Kayda has been known for her contagious laughter and smile since she was only a few months old. Satiera is our social butterfly who loves to entertain and include others. She is kind, thoughtful, and always up for a challenge. If you’re afraid of something she will encourage you through it.

Both of our girls thrive in school and attend one of the top performing elementary schools in the state. They each enjoy multiple activities such as jujitsu, wrestling, gymnastics, dance and soccer. The best part of our day is hearing their hearts as they pray together before bedtime.

Our Home in Nebraska

We reside in a 5-bedroom ranch style home, with a fenced in backyard and plenty of space to grow. Though we live at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, our home is filled with laughter, conversation, and spontaneous dance parties. We are hosts by nature, frequently filling our home with family, friends, food and pick-up games of “spicy uno”.  We have 2 dogs (Tinker and Chip), who combined weigh under 10 pounds, one cat (Asha), and a handful of backyard chickens offering fresh eggs daily and entertainment.

Our community is large enough to offer diverse opportunities for our family, but small enough for a simple, slow-paced life. Within driving distance is our generational family farm. This is our routine “get away” as a family allowing us time in solitude where we enjoy horseback riding, hiking, archery, and tending the livestock. Our most favorite time of year is lambing where we get to help with the delivery of around 100 new baby lambs.

Our Promise

Our promise is for every child in our home to be fully known and fully loved. We promise to provide stability and opportunity for your child to explore their individual passions. Our desire is for your child to know they are loved by the Creator of the universe, by us and by their birth family. Our promise is to live by example, never expecting anything from our children that we wouldn’t of ourselves. We have been praying for you in your decision and we are open to sharing in communication and updates about your child at your comfort level. We can't wait to start this journey with you.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Kyle

Education: Bachelor's of Exercise Science, Associate of Nursing
Profession: Registered Nurse
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Food : Pizza
Destination : Sanibel Island, Florida
Game: Blank Slate
Tradition : Football on Thanksgiving
Dessert : Ice Cream
Bible Verse : 1 Corinthians 10:31
Family Memory: Watching Kayda and Satiera score their first soccer goal on the same day

More About Taya

Education: Master's of Nursing
Profession: Nurse Practitioner
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food : Birria Tacos
Destination : Roatan Island, Honduras
Game: Nerts
Tradition : Making personalized birthday cakes
Dessert : Rice Krispie Treats
Bible Verse : 2 Timothy 1:7
Family Memory: Watching Kayda and Satiera experience the ocean for the first time.

More About Our Family

Our Special Interests

We have been small business owners for the last 8 years and have a family-friendly gym where parents and their children get to pursue health together. We are passionate about kids being integrated into their parents' activities of daily living, and for parents to remember how to play. You'll find our family handstand walking, climbing ropes, and playing on gymnastic rings.

Our Faith

Jesus is our identity and shapes how we treat others and raise our family. We strive to reflect His character in love with peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We attend church weekly as a family at an evangelical free church. Papa Blake, Taya's dad, has been involved in the girls' Sunday school classes since they were in Kindergarten. Each night we gather in bed as a family and pray over our blessings, worries, struggles, and for each other.

Our Extended Family

Our extended family is supportive in our decision to adopt and have been active in our children's lives. Taya’s parents live within walking distance of our house and Kyle’s parents live within a short drive. We enjoy holidays, dinners, movie nights, and celebrations with both sets of grandparents.

We have a group of family friends that we call the “village,” an extended family by choice who offer love, support, and a helping hand when challenges arrive in life. We routinely gather to let all the kids play while us parents fellowship over games and most often tacos.

Our Traditions

Halloween- We do not miss the opportunity to dress up with our kids either with a family theme or individual costumes. Milk duds are our favorite!

Thanksgiving- Taya and her mom prepare Thanksgiving lunch together and after eating we all gather to play games, put together Christmas puzzles, and take an afternoon nap as a family before watching movies in the evening.

Christmas- Christmas is filled with lights, an obscure number of Christmas trees, and festive activities. We go on a Christmas light cruise to surrounding towns in our pajamas with hot chocolate and fresh popcorn. On Christmas Eve we attend a candlelight service at the church and host an "open door" Christmas Eve dinner out our house where we are joined with family, friends, and those without family nearby.

Fourth of July- Summer is our favorite season; if it involves water or BBQ, count us in. From our back porch you can see an expanse of all the town's fireworks as we have no homes behind us.

In Closing

Thank you for taking the time to get to know our family. Our hearts go out to you as you make this decision. We want you to know that your child is a perfect creation from God, made in His perfect image, and so are you! We know that we are not only entering in a lifetime relationship with your child, but also with you. We would love to learn more about you and hear your story.

We hope to raise your child in the confidence knowing that they are loved. We aim to surround your child with a village of support, nurturing an environment of safety, strength, and opportunity. We are simply a family of 4 living to bring light into the world and foster contentment in the everyday beauty of God's blessing and creation.