Noah & Kelsey – Lifetime Adoption

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Noah & Kelsey

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State We Live in: Texas
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Open to Twins: Yes

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Call or text Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784.

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We are Noah & Kelsey. We'd love to introduce you to our family and would love to get the chance to know you too! We live in Texas and love it! Texans are so friendly, and we love the people here. We enjoy getting out and involved around our town with our kids. We are fortunate to have a active community with fireworks, holiday parades, and playdates with all our friends at local parks and play areas.

About Us

We have been married for 7 years and have known each other since childhood. Kelsey is a Neonatal ICU nurse and Noah is a firefighter/paramedic. We love what we do and feel so blessed that both of our jobs allow us to spend so much time with our kids and each other. We love staying active together whether that be swimming, hiking, kayaking or just working out together. We also love being in each other's company and doing the mundane tasks of life together like grocery shopping and running errands. Anytime we are with each other, life is more fun. We like to make milestones special by always making time for birthday dinners and doing something fun on the kids' birthdays. Spending quality time together, in addition to time with our extended family, is very important to us. We are so excited to be growing our family and feel God calling us to do that through adoption again.

About Kelsey

Hello, my name is Kelsey. I am so glad you are here to learn about us! I absolutely LOVE being a mom and dreamed of being a mom my whole life. I even made a career around babies as I am a NICU nurse. Being a mom is such a fulfilling and rewarding job and I take it very seriously. I love going to all of my kids' events and helping them get involved in activities inside and outside our home. Most of my time is spent loving on my babies, but occasionally I get to sneak away and recharge. I enjoy taking trips to the beach. Hearing the waves, feeling the sand between my toes and the sun on my skin is so relaxing and it recharges my "mom battery" so I can come back and be the best mom for my kids. I love traveling and look forward to taking our kids with us even more as they get older. I have also joined "team sourdough" and enjoy making and experimenting with all kinds of different sourdough recipes. Anything from regular sourdough bread to cinnamon rolls and even pizza! It has been so fun to learn a new skill!

According to Noah: Kelsey is such a wonderful wife and mother. I could not have asked for better. I'm so glad that I have someone who so selflessly loves her family. She does an excellent job showing the kids she loves them. They always know, no matter what, their momma loves them. She is so good at making sure everyone gets the individual attention each person needs and knows how to make each person feel special.

About Noah

According to Kelsey: Noah is an amazing, hardworking man who is such a great provider for our family and an incredible dad. He works as a firefighter/paramedic and has a genuine heart for the people he gets to help. According to our daughter, he is the best at healing all her boo boos. He is great at fixing anything and everything. If he doesn't know how to do it, he will have it figured out in no time. Give him some wood and a hammer and he can build anything you'd like, including furniture in our home. He is also a fabulous cook! Noah is very extroverted and loves to get together with friends and family often. He enjoys hiking, camping, kayaking and basically any activity outdoors. He is even an Eagle Scout! He can't wait to include a new baby and teach all the ins and outs of building/fixing things and work on cars, even just basic things like knowing how to change a tire. Noah is also very involved in church. He enjoys teaching classes and helps plan and lead many activities for the youth group throughout the year. He is currently in the process transitioning to a leadership role for the college group as well. He takes his job as a father and husband seriously and leads his family so well.

Our Family

We have two beautiful children. Our daughter, Addy, joined our family through adoption and is 5 years old. She is so smart and caring towards others. She has a heart of gold along with her strong sense of independence and strong will to understand the world. She is outgoing and loves to make new friends. She is excelling in her Kindergarten year in school!

Our son, Barret, is 3 years old. He came into the world fast and furious and has never slowed down. We were blessed with one perfect pregnancy, and I am so grateful to have that experience. He is all boy and enjoys getting down and dirty playing outside, but also loves his cuddles with Mom, Dad and Big Sister.

As a family we love going to the zoo and aquarium often. We also plan date days with our kids. They choose a fun place to go to get some individual attention. Even though we work full-time, our schedules are flexible. This allows us to be able to attend our kids' events whether it be soccer practice/games, gymnastics, or any school events. We love giving our kids every opportunity and we will always be there to cheer them on!

Our Home in Texas

We moved into a newly (2022) built brick house a couple years ago. When our next baby joins our family, we already have a room set up just for him/her! We had so much fun putting it all together and prayed over each item we brought into the room for it to be special for the baby. Our kiddos loved the process of designing and getting it all put together as they are so excited for a baby to join our family!

We live in a friendly neighborhood in Texas with safe sidewalks and a neighborhood pool that includes a splash pad and playground. We love to take walks around the neighborhood and play at the park often. We often use our walks as little bug hunts to see what we can find and learn. We also love to take family bike rides around our home as well. We have a cute backyard with a trampoline and playset with swings. We are minutes from many large parks, arcades, inside play areas and even a drive-in movie theatre. We also live 30 minutes or less from the big city museums and zoo. Our dream is to one day own some land and build our dream house. We'd love to have some pets and have our kids be able to grow up with more space to run around and enjoy the outdoors.

Our Promise

Adoption has been such an amazing gift to us! We'd love to experience it again and gain another family in the process. Whether you are looking for an open or closed adoption, we want to respect and support your wishes. I can promise you this, from the bottom of our hearts, a baby placed with us will get smothered in kisses, love, and everything we can pour into them each day. He/She will have extended family close by that is always there to love and cherish their grandbabies and nieces/nephews. Your baby will have two parents who love each other so much and know the importance of keeping our marriage strong, not only for us but for our kids. Your baby will learn and feel the love that Jesus has for them and the bright future that is planned for their life. A baby placed with us will be loved beyond measure and get to experience the joys of childhood with a brother and sister that can't wait to love another sibling. We promise to encourage your child's hopes and dreams as he/she grows and give them every opportunity we can provide. It would be an incredible honor to be chosen to parent another little life. Jesus has amazing plans for you and this baby and whether our family gets to be part of your story or not, we pray that Jesus gives you everything you need to make this decision.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Noah

Education: Trade school
Profession: Firefighter/Paramedic
Stay-At-Home: No, but only works 2-3 days a week max
Racial Background: White/Caucasian

His Favorites:

Dessert: Milk and cookies
Vacation Destination: Colorado/Mountains
Superpower: Ability to teleport
Season: Winter
Family Memory: Camping each Easter as a family
Thing About Christmas: Being able to spend quality time with extended family
Movie: Treasure Planet

More About Kelsey

Education: Bachelors degree
Profession: Neonatal ICU Nurse
Stay-At-Home: No, but only works 3 days a week max
Racial Background: White/Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Dessert: Ice Cream
Vacation Destination: Florida or Caribbean beaches
Superpower: I'd love to be able to be in multiple places at once
Season: Spring/Summer
Family Memory: The day after both my kids were born when we started settling into life as a new family together
Thing About Christmas: All the colorful lights and the joyful spirit that Christmas brings out in people
Movie: The Proposal

More About Our Family

Our Special Interests

Noah has many special talents such as building and fixing things. He even built a playhouse bed for our daughter to sleep in and she loves that her daddy made it just for her. He is excited to teach our kids how to build things and involving our kids in his hobbies as well.

As for Kelsey, she does have an adventurous side. She loves rollercoasters, jet skiing and has even been skydiving and loved it. She is excited to encourage adventure and curiosity in our little one too!

Our Extended Family

We are so fortunate to have such a large supportive family. Our extended family, all the way up to our kids' great grandparents, love adoption and have learned so much with us through our journey of growing our family. A baby placed with us would have cousins, aunts, uncles, 2 sets of grandparents and 2 sets of great grandparents to shower them with love. All of our family lives within about 20 minutes of us. We love our family time, and we love how much love our kids receive from our family.

On days when we are both working, our kids are watched by Noah's mom, so they don't have to attend daycare. Our kids get to have all kinds of fun with Mimi! They like to frequent the zoo often, paint masterpieces and make fun crafts. Both sets of grandparents also have a pool, and the kids love swimming and are really good swimmers! We are passionate about safety, so all precautions are taken when it comes to pool safety and teaching the kids how to swim well.

Why We Chose Adoption

What led us to adoption? Jesus. Jesus laid it on both of our hearts as young teens. We knew before we got married that adoption would be a big part of growing our family. We believe there are so many situations out there where a child needs a safe, loving home, and we have that along with so much love to give. We were foster parents for almost two years and were honored to love on 5 sweet little lives while they needed a temporary home, two of which were special medical needs. We are passionate about using what God gave us to help others and we love the idea of open adoption where we can give a child a safe, happy and healthy home to thrive in and still have a healthy relationship with the birth family, if that is desired.


Our philosophy on education is "feeding the dream" as my mom always said to us. We want our kids to find a career they love and go for it. If that includes a college degree, then it will be supported! If it involves flight school or other non-traditional education, it will be supported! If it includes a trade school like Noah's fire academy, it will be supported! We want our kids to find joy and purpose in their career no matter what the cost of education or potential money it will make. We just want them happy and fulfilled in life. We will support whatever education is needed for that dream to come true! We will feed the dreams that our kids dream!

In Closing

We are an energetic family that has a passion for family time and enjoying time together! We are ready to grow our family through the miracle of adoption once again! We are open to many situations and would like to meet you wherever you are in life! We are happy to answer any questions you might have or just chat to get to know each other better! We look forward meeting you!