Watch Our Video there! We are so excited to welcome our first child through adoption. Our relationships with our extended family and our close friendships are a priority. We spend time with each other by hosting board game nights, going to the beach, and watching movies on the couch with our golden retriever, Albus. We can’t wait to share our hobbies with our child, while also helping them discover their own personality and interests.
We look forward to getting to know you, and forming a special connection with you. We are open to future contact, if that is your desire.
About Us
Our story together began nearly ten years ago. We met on a blind date, and after pasta and a walk under the stars, we became inseparable. Almost exactly three years later, we got married! We have always known we wanted to be parents, but we are unable to have our own biological children. After much thought and prayer, we knew we were being called to adoption. We are looking forward to sharing our love of attending live sports, watching fantasy movies, and traveling to new locations with our child.
About Sarah
According to Wyatt: Sarah is patient and thoughtful! She is a calm, cheerful person who knows what it means to be a good friend. She is an excellent listener and is the type of person to go to for advice. Sarah has a passion for education; she is the Director of a tutoring center for kids ages 4-18. She specializes in working with kids with learning differences, and is passionate about helping them build their confidence and achieve their goals. Sarah is a math whiz, but don't let that fool you; she loves to have fun! Sarah enjoys playing cooperative board games, going to plays and musicals, and cheering on her favorite sports teams. Sarah is looking forward to showing our child all of the amazing things you can do and learn in life.
About Wyatt
According to Sarah: Wyatt is a loveable extrovert. He is a hard worker, but his laid-back attitude makes everyone around him feel comfortable. He connects with people easily and has many friends because of this quality. Wyatt works in IT, so he loves all things tech! He helps his clients and colleagues solve technological problems every day, and he always has patience and a smile as he does it. Wyatt loves to play disc golf, go to rock concerts, and cook fancy dinners for me. Wyatt can always be seen with his very best friend (other than me), our golden retriever, Albus. Wyatt is looking forward to adding a playmate to our family and teaching him/her everything he knows.
Our Family
We spend a lot of time with our families; both sets of our parents live nearby. Wyatt's dad is a retired doctor, and his mom is a retired reading teacher. Sarah is part of her family's tutoring business, so she sees her mom, dad, and siblings nearly every day! One passion that our families share is FOOD! We love cuisine from different countries and have a blast trying new recipes with complex flavors. Our families have been so supportive through every step of the adoption process. We are a loyal family that truly gets along, and we are there for each other through all of the ups and downs of life. As a family, we are committed to creating a village of support for the child who joins our family.
We brought home our adorable golden retriever, Albus, a few months after we got married. He is a big boy, over 100 pounds, but thinks he's a tiny lap dog. Between our nieces, nephews, and friends' kids, he is constantly entertained by children. He takes it all like a champ and gets so excited when the kids come over. He will be great with our baby!
True Floridians at Home
We love our home in the Tampa Bay Area! We live in a spacious suburban townhome with three bedrooms. The nursery will be located in a corner bedroom with two sunny windows. It is located upstairs, just down the hall from our bedroom. Our dog, Albus, is a large and friendly golden retriever who loves to greet our neighbors on our daily walks. We have a yard to the side of the house, which provides plenty of play space for dogs and kids alike. We decorate our home with family photos and cozy furniture. Sarah's favorite time of year is decorating for Christmas. We collect a Christmas ornament from every new place that we visit.
Our Promise
The most important promise that we can make is that we will love our child absolutely unconditionally. We believe that it is our job to wake up every single day and put our child’s needs and well-being first. We promise to parent with warmth and structure, giving our child healthy boundaries and the room to make mistakes. We believe that our child is a wonderful gift that was created by God, and meant to be loved for exactly who they are. We deeply love and respect each other and will always be a stable place for our child.
We would love to meet you and look forward to keeping that line of communication open. We promise your child will always be safe and loved. We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.
More About Wyatt
Education: Working on Bachelor's Degree
Profession: IT
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: White
His Favorites:
Food: Pizza - any kind
Family tradition: Staying up late & playing cards with my grandparents
Sport to watch: Tampa Bay Rays
Family vacation growing up: Disney Cruise
Way to spend Friday night: Grilling & hanging out with friends.
Recipe to cook for others: Smoked pork
Thing about my spouse : Her smile
More About Sarah
Education: Bachelor's Degree
Profession: Tutoring Center Director
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: White
Her Favorites:
Food: The special at a new restaurant
Family tradition: Making seafood gumbo with my extended family all day on Christmas Eve
Sport to watch: University of Florida football
Family vacation growing up: Going to the family mountain house in North Carolina every summer
Way to spend Friday night: Playing a new board game with friends & family
Recipe to cook for others: Homemade pasta and sauce
Thing about my spouse : His kindness
More About Our Family
Plans for Our Child's Education
Education is very important to us. Sarah's family business is tutoring centers, so our child will benefit from everything the center has to offer:
- specialized tutoring based on child's needs
- early reading intervention
- help with how to study and be a great student
- fun summer education camps
We also have excellent schools in our area with special programs, depending on our child's interests and abilities. We want our child to have confidence in whatever path they choose, whether it is college, a trade, or the workforce. Our child will be well educated, but we will support our child in whatever kind of education best suits their passion.
Extended Family
We are very lucky to have a close-knit family. Both sets of our parents live within 40 minutes of our house, and they both plan to support us with regular childcare as well as family get-togethers. We are godparents to our nieces and nephews and hang out with our family several times a week, by choice.
We also have many friends that are as good as family. Both of us have friends from childhood, high school, and college that we still see all the time. Their kids call us "aunt" and "uncle", and they are an important part of our life. We look forward to our child growing up surrounded by a network of people who love and support them.
Why We Love Where We Live
We absolutely love living in the Tampa Bay area! Since both of our parents live across the street from the beach, we spend a lot of time at the beach playing Bocce Ball, fishing, and watching sunsets. We live close to several small downtown areas, which allows us to try many new restaurants and attend local festivals.
We are huge sports fans and try to attend as many Rays baseball, Lightning hockey, and Gator football games as possible. We also like going to plays and musicals at the small local theaters and large regional theater. We look forward to watching our child in the Florida sunshine playing their favorite sport or our amazing local arts venues showing off what they love.
Parenthood is an extremely special part of what we want for our marriage. We believe that love for a child is unconditional, always. Our job as parents is to offer lifelong guidance, unwavering support, non-judgmental ears, and never-ending love. From example, we know that parenthood does not end when our child is 18. It is a lifelong relationship that must be nurtured and cherished.
We also believe Parenthood is helping our child have a strong sense of self and feel like they know where they come from. We want to embrace their culture and help them find their identity, which includes having an open adoption if that is what you want. Families come in all shapes and sizes, and we always want our child to feel comfortable with their place in our family and in the world.

In Closing
Since we got married, we have always dreamed of becoming parents. We have spent a long time preparing ourselves for adoption and cannot wait to have a child join our family. We cannot wait to introduce our child to our large, close family and give them love, support, and encouragement. We also want our child to feel connected to their roots and culture and look forward to an open adoption. We so look forward to meeting you - we love and have been praying for your child (and you) already!